Marjorie Bly's life-long work with the leper colony in the Pescadores, Taiwan. The documentary delves into her background; growing up through the Second World War in China and later life in the USA. Through her experiences, we witness the passage of time; changes and developments in these countries.
Watch Video A mother asks her five-year-old daughter,
“ When
you grow up, will you become a
missionary? ”
daughter answers, “Yes, of course!”
Pearl Young have always felt that the Chinese were her people. Aunt Doris once asked, "Are the Chinese really your people, Pearl?". Pearl said: "Doris,
the moon that hangs over Nova Scotia, hangs over China."
Drug Addiction Prevention Education
The mixing and abuse of drugs has been on the rise in recent years. Additionally, the drug-using population is becoming younger, more innovative, and the methods of consumption are becoming more complex. Along with the rapid increase in the number of HIV/AIDS infections, this has posed severe challenges to drug rehabilitation efforts. The strategy for planning this project course is to appropriately integrate the strengths of new media teaching methods into the curriculum design. This allows learners to receive customized courses tailored to their individual needs, thereby maximizing their learning outcomes.
High School Music Technology Teaching
This project utilizes the concept of integrating information technology into teaching, developing a set of high school teaching materials based on the 99 curriculum guidelines. These materials are designed to assist high school subject teachers in classroom instruction. Each unit of the materials consists of educational components and is openly available to the public under the Creative Commons license.